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HBV Translational Science

Despite an effective vaccine, hepatitis B virus (HBV) remains a growing health concern and burden on systems. Hundreds of millions globally are infected. The virus in adults will typically be an acute infection but for children and infants, the rate of HBV as a chronic infection can be as high as 90%. This presents a serious health issue for the patient and strains healthcare resources. Additionally, HBV carries are at risk of co-infection with hepatitis D which is more aggressive in its attack ...

Despite an effective vaccine, hepatitis B virus (HBV) remains a growing health concern and burden on systems. Hundreds of millions globally are infected. The virus in adults will typically be an acute infection but for children and infants, the rate of HBV as a chronic infection can be as high as 90%. 

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Loyola University Medical Center

Department of Medicine

Division of Hepatology

2160 S. First Ave
Mulcahy Center, Rm 1610

Maywood, IL 60153, USA


Phone: 708-216-4682

Fax: 708-216-6299

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