Mathematical/Computational Virology & Medicine
A Parameter Estimation Method for Multiscale Models of Hepatitis C Virus Dynamics
Vladimir Reinharz , Alexander Churkin , Stephanie Lewkiewicz , Harel Dahari , Danny Barash
Mathematical models that are based on differential equations require
detailed knowledge about the parameters that are included in the equations.
Some of the parameters can be measured experimentally while others
need to be estimated. When the models become more sophisticated, such as in
the case of multiscale models of hepatitis C virus dynamics that deal with partial
differential equations (PDEs), several strategies can be tried. It is possible
to use parameter estimation on an analytical approximation of the solution
to the multiscale model equations, namely the long-term approximation, but
this limits the scope of the parameter estimation method used and a long-term
approximation needs to be derived for each model. It is possible to transform
the PDE multiscale model to a system of ODEs, but this has an effect on the
model parameters themselves and the transformation can become problematic
for some models. Finally, it is possible to use numerical solutions for the multiscale
model and then use canned methods for the parameter estimation, but
the latter is making the user dependent on a black box without having full
control over the method. The strategy developed here is to start by working
directly on the multiscale model equations for preparing them toward the parameter
estimation method that is fully coded and controlled by the user. It
can also be adapted to multiscale models of other viruses. The new method
is described and illustrations are provided using a user-friendly simulator that
incorporates the method.